
System Configuration

Required Present
PHP Version 5.0 5.6.40
DOMDocument extension Yes 20031129
PCRE Yes Yes
Zlib Yes 2.0
MBString extension Yes Yes
GD Yes Yes
APC For better performances 4.0.11
GMagick or IMagick Better with transparent PNG images
No. Recommended for better performances

DOMPDF Configuration

Config name Value Description Status
DOMPDF_DIR '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf' Root directory of DOMPDF Readable
DOMPDF_INC_DIR '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf/include' Include directory of DOMPDF Readable
DOMPDF_LIB_DIR '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf/lib' Third-party libraries directory of DOMPDF Readable
DOMPDF_FONT_DIR '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts/' Additional fonts directory Readable
DOMPDF_FONT_CACHE '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts/' Font metrics cache Writable
DOMPDF_TEMP_DIR '/tmp' Temporary folder Writable
DOMPDF_CHROOT '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf' Restricted path Readable
DOMPDF_UNICODE_ENABLED true Unicode support (thanks to additionnal fonts)
TTF2AFM '/home/bitrix/www/dompdf/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/ttf2ufm-src/ttf2pt1'
DOMPDF_PDF_BACKEND 'CPDF' Backend library that makes the outputted file (PDF, image)
DOMPDF_DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE 'screen' Default media type (print, screen, ...)
DOMPDF_DEFAULT_PAPER_SIZE 'letter' Default paper size (A4, letter, ...)
DOMPDF_DEFAULT_FONT 'serif' Default font, used if the specified font in the CSS stylesheet was not found
DOMPDF_DPI '96' DPI scale of the document
DOMPDF_ENABLE_PHP true Inline PHP support
DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE false Allow remote stylesheets and images allow_url_fopen enabled
DEBUGPNG 0 Debug PNG images
DEBUGKEEPTEMP 0 Keep temporary image files